Best English Cinemas Berlin

Best English Cinemas in Berlin – Movies in Original English Version

Have you ever wondered why in Berlin everybody talks to you in English, from the waitress at your favorite Cafe to the bouncer at your favorite club.

But once you want to go to the cinema in Berlin you most likely will end up watching a movie dubbed in German.

And it doesn’t stop there I am afraid. Whenever you turn on your TV and tune in on the newest blockbuster – you guessed it – it will be dubbed in German.

We all know that movies dubbed in German (or any language for that matter) just don’t feel as good as the Original Version.

This is why we went through the struggles to find the best English cinemas in Berlin!

Make sure to check out all cinemas in Berlin we could find that show all or at least some movies in their original English version.

What do OmU and OV stand for?

If you have been researching movies shown in English in the past you might have come across those two acronyms, OmU and OV.

OmU stands for “Original mit Untertitel” which means you will see the movie in the original language with German subtitles.

OV is short for “Original Version” and is exactly what you are looking for – enjoying a movie in its original version and not being dubbed.

Cinemaxx Potsdamer Platz

Say what you want – but Potsdamer Platz somehow feels like being in a big city like New York (at least a bit) and has come a long way since the renovation and conversion of Potsdamer Strasse from a normal street to a pedestrian zone.

Not only can you spend a lazy summer evening at one of the many restauraunts.

You will also find one of the best cinemas in Berlin at Potsdamer Platz.

The Cinemaxx at Potsdamer Platz has undergone thorough renovations – and you can tell!

Now all of the countless cinemas have luxury seats with extra leg space and better visibility of the screen.

Have we also mentioned that the seats can recline?

Make sure when searching for you favorite movie in English to check the box for “Originalversionen” or just follow our link below for a pre-selected overview of all movies in English.

Location: Potsdamer Str. 5, 10785 Berlin

Cinestar at Kulturbrauerei

One of the most iconic buildings in Prenzlauer Berg – The Kulturbrauerei – is home to this Cinestar cinema.

What is so special about this location?

If you feel like playing some billiard before a movie night or if you rather enjoy some drinks and party after the movie you don’t have to look far.

Kulturbrauerei is home to several bars and clubs and your No.1 destination for a relaxed evening in Prenzlauer Berg.

With 8 different screening rooms and more than 1.500 seats in total this is one of the bigger cinemas in Berlin.

Most screenings are in OV or OmU, but make sure to check out their website as some of the movies are shown dubbed in German.

As a reminder, you need set the filter on their website for “OV” in order to see the movie in the original language.

Location: Schönhauser Allee 36, 10435 Berlin

UCI Luxe Mercedes Platz

If you are looking for the most luxurious and modern cinema experience – well look no further.

The newly opened UCI Luxe at Mercedes Platz in the heart of Friedrichshain is probably the most luxurious and modern cinema in Germany.

With IMAX screenings and the newly designed ScreenX (which you have to see for yourself) this is just absolutely a breathtaking experience.

With over 14 different screening rooms with a total of over 1.600 seats you will be sure to find all current movies running there.

All screening rooms are with extra big and adjustable leather seats for extra personal space and comfort.

So if you want to experience the most luxurious cinema in Berlin make sure to pay UCI Luxe a visit.

Again, you need to set the filter on their website for “OV” in order to find the viewings in English.

Location: Mildred-Harnack-Straße 13, 10243 Berlin

Hackesche Höfe Kino

Located in the heart of Berlin and nestled inside some of the nices ensembles in Berlin Hackesche Höfe Kino is the perfect location for a romantic cinema date.

Most movies are shown in English with German subtitles so you can enjoy the movie even if you are not fluent in English.

And for the few movies that they show in German they always show them with English subtitels, so you can also enjoy the movie if you are not fluent in German yet (shame on you 🙂 ).

If you are on a first date and want to impress your date with a romantic yet modern cinema, well look no further.

Afterwards you can just stay inside the Hackesche Höfe and have dinner or enjoy some drinks in one of the nicest building ensemble in Berlin.

Location: Rosenthaler Str. 40/41

Odeon – Schöneberg

Probably one of the first cinemas in Berlin and Germany to show mainly movies in their original English Version.

Odeon has been a long time favorite of the international crowd in Berlin and is always worth a visit.

The cinema is part of the Yorck Cinema group with several other locations in Berlin.

Why do we mention that?

If you are crazy about cinema then check out their 12 months unlimited offer.

For just 19,90€ a month you can visit as many screenings in over 15 different cinemas in Berlin and Munich.

Furthermore, you will even get a 10% discount on food and drinks.

Location: Hauptstr. 116, 10827 Berlin

Zoo Palast Berlin

This is one of the most iconic cinemas in Berlin and always one of the busiest places during the annual Berlinale movie festival.

Perfectly located in the heart of West Berlin – right next to Bahnhof Zoo, Bikini Haus and the famous Waldorf Astoria – Zoo Palast is your go to place.

Make sure to set the filter to OV on their website as most screenings are dubbed in German.

Another USP of this luxurious cinema is their use of the 70mm screening technique.

Compared to the traditional 35mm analog screening technique this allows for up to 3 times more detail.

So this is your go to place for all traditionalists that don’t want to watch each and every movie shot digitally.

Location: Hardenbergstr. 29A, 10623 Berlin

Kino International at Karl-Marx-Allee – closed for renovations

Even though Kino International does not show all movies in its Original English version we just had to add this to the top of our list.

Probably the cinema in Germany with the most authentic flair you will find.

Built only 2 years after the Berlin Wall came up Kino International still looks and feels like you are in the former Eastern German Democratic Republic in its prime.

Kino International is one of the main locations for the yearly cinema festival “Berlinale” and can seat up to 550 people.

Most shows in the evening are OV “Original Version”, just keep an eye out on their homepage.

Furthermore every Monday even is “MonGay” and Kino International shows LGBT-themed movies.

And also keep your eyes open as Kino International is also the venue for some of Berlins most stylish parties.

Location: Karl-Marx-Allee 33, 10178 Berlin

All English language Cinemas in Berlin

Check out the list of all English language cinemas in Berlin.

Be aware that some of the cinemas on this list are not exclusively showing movies in the Original Version, but many times show movies in the dubbed German version.

Make sure to look for “OV” or “OmU” as an indication in which language movies are shown.

Current cinema rules with Corona

Unfortunately Corona is still an issue when it comes to visiting a cinema or any other place with many people in a closed space.

We have checked all cinemas and the rules are varying from company to company.

So before you go and watch your next movie make sure that you checked the rules.

While most of the cinemas are operating under the 3G rule (Geimpft, Genesen, Getestet = vaccinated, recovered, tested) we have seen some of the cinemas enforcing 2G rules.

E.g. Zoo Palast only allows persons who are either vaccinated or recoverd to enter their shows (2G).

Now that you are set with your favorite English OV cinema you want to check out where to have dinner after an exciting movie.

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